Dear CID Member,
We have been obliged unexpectedly to change the venues of the General Assembly.
On Monday morning go to Notre Dame des Champs, 91 Boulevard du Montparnasse, Paris 6
You have a choice of metro stations: Notre Dame des Champs (line 12) or Vavin (line 4) or Edgar Quinet (line 6).
You will see an imposing church in romanesque style built in 1876 by architect Gustave Eiffel, famous for building the Eiffel Tower. Across the street, enter the arcade at 92 Boulevard du Montparnasse. The lecture hall is at the end of the courtyard. Be there at 09:30.
On Sunday come to L’Atelier, practically next to the church, 95 boulevard du Montparnasse. We will be there from 19:00 to 22:00
For urgent matters only call +33 6 1155 3111 (whatsApp)
See you soon
Alkis Raftis
International Dance Council CID (The United Nations of Dance)
High-level Event on Dance
24th General Assembly
of the International Dance Council CID
International Dance Council, CID, UNESCO, Paris
The General Assembly of CID is the highest level event in the field of dance. It is held every two years, usually in a different country.
The 24th General Assembly will take place on Monday 13 December 2021 at Palais de l’UNESCO in Paris.
- If you are not a CID Member
To apply for CID membership send your professional profile (CV, bio, resume).
- If you are a CID Member
Send General Assembly participation fee 35 US dollars (or 30 euros). Send membership fee for 2021 and 2022 since membership is renewed in December. You can nominate other dance professionals for CID membership so they can attend with you.
- If you need a visa or a formal invitation letter
Confirm your postal address where letter will be sent. Contact the Embassy of France in your country, read visa information in the Paris Section website before you apply.
- If you need financing
CID does not provide assistance for travel or accommodation. You can apply to your country’s National Commission for UNESCO and to public or private sponsors with the formal invitation letter.
- List of CID Members attending
Check that your name is in the list featured at the Paris Section website. This list will be handed to the UNESCO Security Service to allow you to enter the building and to issue a visitor’s badge. Visit in 6 languages.
- Informal meetings
Sunday 12 through Tuesday 14 December from 18:00 to 22:00 at UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis (metro stations Sèvres-Lecourbe or Cambronne or Ségur). Leave your passport at the gate and come to Bâtiment Miollis bureau 8.41.
Since the Assembly is a purely administrative event, try to attend at least one informal meeting to discuss with CID members and staff.
- Travel agency
For flights, visa, low cost accommodation and general information you can contact the specialized travel agency LUMEN TRAVEL, Mr. Mansour, WhatsApp +30 690 688 9977
For updated information visit regularly
We look forward to seeing you in Paris
- Venue
Monday 13 December 2021 at 10:00 in Salle XII, Palais de l’UNESCO, 125 avenue de Suffren, FR-75352 Paris 07. Metro: Cambronne station on metro line 6 and La Motte-Picquet-Grenelle station on lines 6, 8 and 10.
Be there before 09:30 for accreditation. Passport is required. Make sure before coming that your name is in the List of Participants in the Paris Section website.
- Agenda
The General Assembly is an administrative event, there are no lectures, performances or dance classes. Limited time is available for speakers who wish to present views on CID policy, up to 3 minutes.
The Assembly will last several hours, it will end before 15:00.
Read the agenda at the Paris Section website.
- Languages
English and French are the working languages of CID, either one can be used. Speakers can use any other language. Translation will not be provided.
- Networking
We would like you to meet every Member attending, discuss cooperation with them at informal meetings. Bring a large number of visiting cards to exchange (see format at the CID portal). Bring flyers and printed matter to distribute. Over 200 members from 30 countries are expected.

General information
24th General Assembly of the CID
The General Assembly takes place every two years, elections every four years. All Members receive an invitation to attend.
CID does not cover travel, accommodation or other expenses. Members can apply for funding to their country’s National Commission for UNESCO and to public or private sponsors.
Information aux membres
24ème Assemblée Générale du CID
L’Assemblée Générale a lieu tous les deux ans, élections tous les quatre ans. Tous les membres reçoivent une convocation avec l’ordre du jour proposé.
Seuls les membres peuvent assister à l’Assemblée Générale. Un non-membre peut y assister seulement s’ il (ou elle) est le représentant attitré d’un membre institutionnel (école, compagnie ou association). Membres ne pouvant pas assister peuvent donner pouvoir à un autre membre.
Le CID ne couvre pas les frais de voyage, d’hébergement ou autres dépenses. Les membres peuvent faire une demande à la Commission National UNESCO de leur pays, des organismes publics ou des sponsors.
- Accommodation
Book accommodation preferably along metro lines 6, 8 or 10. Book now – most hotels will be full long before Christmas. Find low-priced hotels at
- Tourism
Take a few days before or after the Assembly to enjoy Paris at its best, decorated and illuminated. CID Members from Paris will be available to give local information. For places of particular interest to dance professionals visit
- Delegation to UNESCO
Call for an appointment at the Delegation of your country to UNESCO. Find contact details at
- International Certification
International Certification will be handed at a special ceremony to students before the General Assembly. Fill the Certification form for students you propose.
- Informal meetings
Sunday through Wednesday from 18:00 to 22:00 hours at UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis (metro stations Sèvres-Lecourbe or Cambronne or Ségur). Leave your passport at the gate and come to Bâtiment Miollis bureau 8.41.
- Visa
Call the Consulate of France to get information on documents and time required. Ask for Letter of Invitation to be sent to you. Find information on visa at
- Membership
Only Members of the CID in 2021 can take part. A list of Members attending will be at the gate. Send membership fee for 2021 and Assembly participation as early as possible, our Secretariat will be very busy. If you have colleagues who wish to attend please nominate them now (send names and email addresses).
- Attire
Wearing your ethnic costume or parts of it at the Assembly is most welcome. Wear the CID insignia, carry a CID bag. Bring brochures to give away.
- Urgent matters
For urgent matters call +33 1 4568 4953 or send message to mobile phone +33 6 1155 3111. Security measures are strict in France. Always have on you:
– Passport
– Invitation to the CID General Assembly
– Card of your hotel
– The present text
– Your CID business card – see how to print it at:
- Website
Updated information on the Assembly is at the Paris Section website, visit it regularly for latest changes:
15. Travel agency
For flights, low cost hotel accommodation and general information you can contact the specialized travel agency LUMEN TRAVEL, Mr. Mansour, WhatsApp +30 690 688 9977,,
Invitation to the 24th General Assembly
of the International Dance Council CID
As a member of the International Dance Council you are invited to attend the 24th General Assembly to be held on Monday 13 December 2021 at Palais de l’UNESCO in Paris. Informal meetings will take place on 12, 13 and 14 December.
CID does not provide financial assistance for travel or accommodation. You can apply to your country’s National Commission for UNESCO and to public or private sponsors.
Only CID members can attend the General Assembly. Members unable to attend can send a proxy for another member. Working languages are English and French, without translation.
For further information please visit or contact the CID Secretariat.
Dr. Alkis Raftis
Invitation à la 24ème Assemblée Générale
du Conseil International de la Danse CID
En tant que membre du Conseil International de la Danse, vous êtes convoqué/e à la 24ème Assemblée Générale ordinaire, qui se tiendra le lundi 13 décembre 2021 au Palais de l’UNESCO à Paris. Des réunions informelles auront lieu les 12, 13 et 14 décembre.
Le CID ne pouvant pas prendre en charge les frais de voyage ou d’hébergement, vous pouvez faire une demande auprès de la Commission Nationale pour l’UNESCO de votre pays ou bien auprès d’organismes publics ou privés.
Seuls les membres peuvent assister à l’Assemblée Générale. Membres ne pouvant pas assister peuvent donner pouvoir à un autre membre. Les langues de travail sont l’anglais et le français, sans traduction.
Pour des renseignements complémentaires veuillez visiter ou contacter le Secrétariat du CID.
Dr. Alkis Raftis
UNESCO, Paris, 13/12/2021
Salle XII, Palais de l’UNESCO, 125 avenue de Suffren, 75352 Paris 07
- Ouverture de la séance par le Président du CID, qui constate le quorum / Opening of the session by the President of CID, who attests quorum.
- Allocution du représentant de l’UNESCO / Address by the representative of UNESCO
- Allocution du Président du comité de liaison ONG-UNESCO / Address by the President of the NGO/UNESCO Liaison Committee
- Remise de Certification Internationale d’Etudes en Danse / Awarding International Certification of Dance Studies
- Adoption de l’ordre du jour / Adoption of the agenda
- Election de la Commission Juridique et de la Commission Financière / Election of the Legal Commission and of the Financial Commission
- Admission de nouveaux membres / Admission of new members
- Rapport d’activités & Rapport financier 2019-2020 / Activity report & Financial report 2019-2020
- Approbation des activités et de la gestion financière / Approval of activities and financial management.
- Programme d’activités et budget 2022-2023 / Program of activities and budget 2020-2021
- Approbation du programme d’activités et du budget 2022-2023 / Approval of the program of activities and budget 2022-2023
- Questions diverses selon liste d’intervenants / Various subjects according to list of speakers.
- Reconduction des pratiques courantes / Renewal of current practices
- Election du Président et du Comité Exécutif / Election of the President and the Executive Committee
- Questions diverses / Various subjects.
- Clôture de la session / Closure of the session
Des réunions informelles des membres auront lieu le 12, 13, et 14 décembre de 18:00 à 22:00 à l’UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, bâtiment Miollis bureau 8.41 / Informal meetings of members will take place on 12, 13, and 14 December at UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, bâtiment Miollis bureau 8.41
Please print on paper, fill, sign and send as letter /
Veuillez impimer le présent pouvoir, le remplir et le poste
P R O X Y / P O U V O I R
The undersigned / Je, soussigné/e
(full name / nom et prénom )
CID member in 2021 / membre du CID en 2021
give proxy to: / donne pouvoir à
(full name of representative / nom complet du représentant )
also CID member in 2021 / aussi membre du CID en 2021
to represent me at the 24th General Assembly and vote on my behalf /
pour me représenter à la 24ème Assemblée générale et voter en mon nom
Place / Fait à …………………………………………………
Date ……………………………
Signature ………………………………………………………..
Nota bene
Each CID member having the possibility to receive a limited number of proxies, you can leave blank the name of your representative.
Please print the present proxy, sign it and send it by letter before 30 November 2021 to:
International Dance Council CID, UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, FR-75732 Paris 15, France
Do not send as email.
Un membre du CID ne pouvant recevoir qu’un nombre limité de pouvoirs, vous pouvez laisser en blanc le nom du mandataire.
Veuillez imprimer le présent pouvoir, le remplir et le poster avant le 30novembre 2021 à :
Conseil International de la Danse CID, UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, FR-75732 Paris 15, France
Ne pas envoyer par courrier électronique.
Information on proxies
24th General Assembly of the International Dance Council CID, in 2021
A General Assembly is held every two years, elections every four years. All Members have the right to vote if they have renewed membership for the current year. Each Member has one vote. This means that, if you are a Member and your school or company is also a Member, you should send two proxies.
The standard proxy is in English and French, the two working languages of CID. A proxy in another language is valid if the fields are filled clearly in Latin characters. Proxy by email is not valid.
If you do not know another member attending the General Assembly you can leave the name of your representative blank. All other fields must be filled. Do not write anything else. All proxies will be handed to the Electoral Committee.
Print the proxy on paper, fill the fields, sign it and send in a letter either to:
– CID Executive Secretariat, Scholiou 8, Plaka, GR-10558 Athens, Greece
or to:
– International Dance Council CID, UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, FR-75732 Paris 15, France
Name of authorizing person (write your full name in capital letters, and eventually your CID registration number) :
Name of authorized person (you can leave this blank) :
Place where you are when signing : …………………………………………..
Date when signing : ……………………………………………………..
Your signature:
Members attending
Maria Jose Sesma
Hethann Higgins
Hasin Ahbab Hridoy
Shah Alam Riyadh
Christopher Harrison-Kerr
Iliana Georgieva Petrova Salazar
Burkina Faso
Souleymane Deme
Kagnagbe Sacko
Teewende Irene Zongo
Traore Seidu
Sougue Issouf
Kere Helie Yannick Wend Kuuni
Fabrice Desire Kere
Balima Abdoul Kabirou
Souleymane Sanogo
Vazoumana Cisse
Vazoumana Sylla
Jill Williams
Michel Johnson
Luis Angel Delgado Gomez
Zhanna Igorevna Golubenko
Karim Tarek Madbouly
Kazimir Kolesnik
Nina Mamia
Kasperi Nordman
Comtesse Francoise de Caulaincourt
Costantinos Kontogiannis
Margarita Seguy
Florence Oualid
Alexis Raftis
Amelie Theunissen
Agathe Raftis
Maria Laure Donzella Gaubert
Melina Hassani
Helene Gisele Lamielle
Cyrille Bertolone
Constantin Kontogiannis
Veronique Theunissen
Bruno Sablayrolles
Toussaint Tiendrebeogo
Jacques Rao
Grosso Davide
Georgia Kouvela
Marie Christine Dal Farra
Hiie Saumaa
Esperencia Darde Pierre
Corinne Penkhoss
Catherine Godon
Assia Guemra
Fabienne Courmont
Molale Lubi
Virginie NFA Allogo
Mohamed Salim Kamara
Adama Darboe
Fatou Sissoko
Seedy Sanneh
Alexandra Romanova Olendska
Yvonne Middelborg
Ulrich Roehm
Karoline Möller
Emmanuel Neequaye Ashalley
Gideon Akrong
Michael Boafo
David Afari
Evangel Evans Doku
Edward Adu
Musah Umar
Jackline Mensah
Usher Boah Erzoah
Kelvin Tetteh Amanor
Elizabeth Appiah
Matilda Afari Kwarteng
Alkis Raftis
Adamantia Aristagora Angeli
Stamatis Theocharidis
Lambrini Raikou
Athanasia Chondrou
Georgia Rapti
Aristos Zevedeou
Apostolos Vorvis
Irida Deloti
Laila Sy.
Amadou Alpha Diallo
Alpha Boubacar Barry
Hadiatou Diallo
Djenabou Doumbouya
Diogo Amadou Thierno Diallo
Abdoulaye Bah
Bouba Diallo
Zakariaou Diallo
Fatou Sylla
Elisabeth Camara
Ibrahima Sory Conte
Upendro Sharma Laipubam
Ravinder Kumar Bali
Indira Bali
Chandresh Prajapati
Makwana Indravadan Ramesh
Punyaprabha Mohapatra
Gayathri Jayaraj Warriar
Akhil Scaria
Patel Rajubhai Gordhanbhai
Solanki Hitendrasinh Bahadursinh
Chaudhary Chiragkumar Babubhai
Chamar Dipakkumar Maganbhai
Patel Nilam Rameshchandra
Patel Rajnikant Maheshbhai
Vaghela Sahilsinh Viramji
Chavda Disha Ranjitsinh
Patel Krunal Narottamdas
Patel Veena Keyur
Simranjit Singh
Ramandeep Singh
Sarabjit Singh Jabbar
Harjitjot Singh
Navjot Singh Sekhon
Rahul Ramgarhia
Sonia Kumari
Danish Kumar
Saju George
Amanah Asri
Xiao Huang
Roberta Di Laura
Maddalena Salvini
Monica Sava
Yoriko Maeno
Alla Burenkova
Irene Heinen
Ana Laura Pestana Guilarte
Manssour Belkheyalat
Namita Jyotika Mathura
Adedayo M. Liadi
Huyen Brown
Rafal Piotr Matysiak
Michal Aleksander Krawczak
Nasrin Karimi
Iara Magalhaes
Ana Köhler
Miguel Viegas
Malal Ndiaye
Maria Jose Guerra Perdomo
Teresa Laiz Monsalve
Alazne Castano Garcia
Laura Rodriguez de Llauder Ubeira
Berit Roos
Fabienne Rebelle Vouilloz
Idil Kadioglu
Anna Gorbasheva
Hardeep Singh Sahota
Nataliya Mogolivets
Rosana Gonzalez Anaya
Daphney Sheyne Towns
Ivonne del Carmen Pena