26th General Assembly
of the International Dance Council CID
The General Assembly of CID is the highest level event. It is held every two years, usually in a different country.
The 26th General Assembly will take place on Monday 18 December 2023 at Palais de l’UNESCO in Paris.
International Dance Council, CID, UNESCO, Paris

International Dance Council CID (The United Nations of Dance)
CID c/o UNESCO, FR-75732 Paris, France
Tel. +33 1 4568 4953 WhatsApp: +33 6 1155 3111
facebook.com/international.dance.council.CID www.CID-world.org
instagram.com/internationaldancecouncil_cid/ twitter.com/CouncilCid

International Dance Council CID (The United Nations of Dance)
CID c/o UNESCO, FR-75732 Paris, France
Tel. +33 1 4568 4953 WhatsApp: +33 6 1155 3111
facebook.com/international.dance.council.CID www.CID-world.org
instagram.com/internationaldancecouncil_cid/ twitter.com/CouncilCid

International Dance Council CID (The United Nations of Dance)
CID c/o UNESCO, FR-75732 Paris, France
Tel. +33 1 4568 4953 WhatsApp: +33 6 1155 3111
facebook.com/international.dance.council.CID www.CID-world.org
instagram.com/internationaldancecouncil_cid/ twitter.com/CouncilCid
26th General Assembly
of the International Dance Council CID
Monday 18 December 2023 Paris.
1. If you are not a CID Member
To apply for CID membership send your professional profile (CV, bio, resume).
2. If you are a CID Member
Send General Assembly participation fee 40 US dollars or 40 euros. Send also membership fee for 2024 since membership is renewed in December. You can nominate worthy dance professionals for CID membership so they can attend with you.
3. If you need a visa or a formal letter
Confirm your postal address where letter will be sent. Read visa information in the Paris Section website. Contact the Embassy of France in your country.
4. If you need financing
Apply to your country’s National Commission for UNESCO and to public or private sponsors with the formal registration letter from CID.
5. List of CID Members attending
This list will be handed to the UNESCO Security Service to allow you to enter the building and to issue a visitor’s badge. Visit www.UNESCO.org in 6 languages.
6. Informal meetings
Sunday 17 through Tuesday 19 December from 18:00 to 22:00 at UNESCO, 31 rue François Bonvin, Paris 15 (metro stations Sèvres-Lecourbe or Cambronne or Ségur). Leave your passport at the gate and come to salle R17 bâtiment UNEP. Since the Assembly is a purely administrative event, attend at least one meeting to discuss with CID staff and members.
7. Travel agency
For low cost flights, accommodation and information contact the specialized travel agency Lumen Travel, Mr. Mansour, WhatsApp +30 690 688 9977 info@lumentravel.com
For updated information visit www.Paris.Section.CID-world.org/
Find hints for dancers at www.Paris.orchesis-portal.org
We look forward to seeing you in Paris
International Dance Council CID (The United Nations of Dance)
CID c/o UNESCO, FR-75732 Paris, France
Tel. +33 1 4568 4953
WhatsApp: +33 6 1155 3111
01. Venue
Monday 18 December 2023 at 10:00 in Salle XII, Palais de l’UNESCO 7 place de Fontenoy, Paris 75007. Metro stations: Ségur on line 10, Cambronne on line 6 or La Motte-Picquet-Grenelle on lines 6, 8 and 10.
Be there before 09:30 for accreditation with your passport
Before coming make sure that your name is on the List of Participants in the Paris Section website, you cannot pay fee on the spot.
02. Agenda
The Assembly is an administrative event, there are no lectures, performances or dance classes. Limited time is available for speakers who wish to present views on CID policy, up to 3 minutes. The Assembly will end before 14:00. Read the agenda at the Paris Section website.
03. International Certification
International Certification will be handed to students at a special ceremony before the General Assembly. Fill the Certification form for students you propose.
04. Informal meetings
Sunday, Monday & Tuesday from 18:00 to 22:00 hours at UNESCO, 31 rue François Bonvin, Paris 15. Metro stations: Ségur on line 10, Cambronne on line 6 or La Motte-Picquet-Grenelle on lines 6, 8 and 10, Volontaires on ligne 12. Leave your passport at the gate and come to salle R17 bâtiment UNEP.
05. Languages
English and French are the working languages of CID, either one can be used. Speakers can use another language, translation will not be provided.
06. Networking
We would like you to meet every Member attending, discuss cooperation with them at informal meetings. Bring a large number of visiting cards or flyers to distribute. 200 members from 40 countries are expected to attend.
07. Accommodation
Book accommodation preferably along metro lines 12, 4 or 6.
08. Tourism
Take a few days before or after the Assembly to enjoy Paris at its best, decorated and illuminated. CID Members from Paris will be available to give you local information. For places of particular interest to dance professionals visit http://Paris.Raftis.org
09. Visit UNESCO
Call for an appointment at the Delegation of your country to UNESCO. Find contact details at https://CID-world.org/links/
10. Visa
Call the Consulate of France to get information on documents and time required. Apply with the formal certificate sent to you. Find information on visa at http://ParisSection.CID-world.org
11. Membership
Only Members of the CID can enter. A list of Members attending will be at the gate. Send membership fee for 2023 and 2024 plus Assembly registration, not refundable. If you have colleagues who wish to attend please nominate them now (send names and email addresses).
12. Attire
Wearing your ethnic costume or parts of it at the Assembly is most welcome. Wear the CID insignia, carry a CID bag. Bring brochures or business cards to give away.
13. Urgent matters
For urgent matters call WhatsApp +33 6 8567 2357 or +33 7 8120 4354. Security measures are strict in France. Always have on you:
– Passport, face mask
– Registration to the CID General Assembly
– Card of your hotel
– The present text
– Your CID business card – see how to print it at https://CID-world.org/card/
14. Website
Visit regularly http://Paris.Section.CID-world.org for updated information on the Assembly.
15. Travel agency
For low cost flights, accommodation and general information you can contact the specialized travel agency Lumen Travel lumentravel.com Mr. Mansour, WhatsApp +30 690 688 9977, info@LumenTravel.com
International Dance Council CID
CID, UNESCO, FR-75732 Paris, France
Tel. +33 1 4568 4953 WhatsApp +33 6 1155 3111 www.CID-world.org

International Dance Council CID (The United Nations of Dance)
CID c/o UNESCO, FR-75732 Paris, France
Tel. +33 1 4568 4953 WhatsApp: +33 6 1155 3111
facebook.com/international.dance.council.CID www.CID-world.org
instagram.com/internationaldancecouncil_cid/ twitter.com/CouncilCid

International Dance Council CID (The United Nations of Dance)
CID c/o UNESCO, FR-75732 Paris, France
Tel. +33 1 4568 4953 WhatsApp: +33 6 1155 3111
facebook.com/international.dance.council.CID www.CID-world.org
instagram.com/internationaldancecouncil_cid/ twitter.com/CouncilCid

International Dance Council CID (The United Nations of Dance)
CID c/o UNESCO, FR-75732 Paris, France
Tel. +33 1 4568 4953 WhatsApp: +33 6 1155 3111
facebook.com/international.dance.council.CID www.CID-world.org
instagram.com/internationaldancecouncil_cid/ twitter.com/CouncilCid

International Dance Council CID (The United Nations of Dance)
CID c/o UNESCO, FR-75732 Paris, France
Tel. +33 1 4568 4953 WhatsApp: +33 6 1155 3111
facebook.com/international.dance.council.CID www.CID-world.org
instagram.com/internationaldancecouncil_cid/ twitter.com/CouncilCid
Individual 2023 80 $
Individual 2024 80 $
Institutional 2023 160 $
Institutional 2024 160 $
Youth (age under 16) 45 $
General Assembly 40 $
Handling & postage 15 $
Send fees
26th General Assembly of the CID in Paris
Open a personal account or ask a friend to send from his Paypal account.
Go to www.paypal.com and sign up with your email address.
Send to ExecSec@CID-world.org
Click on Tools/Send money/Send money to friends or add 5 dollars so that we receive the full amount.
Write under the sum a message with your name and full postal address.
2. Bank transfer (more costly)
Add 35 dollars to cover commission by the receiving bank.
Conseil International de la Danse CID
IBAN: FR76 3000 3033 0100 0372 7033 329
Banque Société Générale, UNESCO, 7 place de Fontenoy, FR-75352 Paris 7, France
Add bank charges or commissions so that we receive the full sum.
Ask the bank to write your name in the remittance for identification.
Confirm postal address
Send full address with postal code where parcel will be sent. Specify if it is home or school address.
Contact a private courier (DHL, ACS, FEDEX etc.) if you need your parcel urgently.
3. Western Union (only exceptionally)
Find your nearest office at https://locations.westernunion.com
Ask us for details on the receiving side.
4. MoneyGram (only exceptionally)
Find your nearest office at https://secure.moneygram.com or http://global.moneygram.com
Ask us for details on the receiving side.

International Dance Council CID (The United Nations of Dance)
CID c/o UNESCO, FR-75732 Paris, France
Tel. +33 1 4568 4953 WhatsApp: +33 6 1155 3111
facebook.com/international.dance.council.CID www.CID-world.org
instagram.com/internationaldancecouncil_cid/ twitter.com/CouncilCid

International Dance Council CID (The United Nations of Dance)
CID c/o UNESCO, FR-75732 Paris, France
Tel. +33 1 4568 4953 WhatsApp: +33 6 1155 3111
facebook.com/international.dance.council.CID www.CID-world.org
instagram.com/internationaldancecouncil_cid/ twitter.com/CouncilCid
Invitation to the 26th General Assembly
of the International Dance Council CID
As a member of the International Dance Council you are invited to attend the 26th General Assembly to be held on Monday 18 December 2023 at Palais de l’UNESCO in Paris. Informal meetings will take place on 17, 18 and 19 December.
You can apply for funding to your country’s National Commission for UNESCO and to public or private sponsors.
Only CID members can attend the General Assembly. Members unable to attend can send a proxy for another member. Working languages are English and French, without translation.
For further information please visit http://Paris.Section.CID-world.org or contact the CID Secretariat.
Dr. Alkis Raftis
En tant que membre du Conseil International de la Danse, vous êtes convoqué/e à la 26ème Assemblée Générale ordinaire, qui se tiendra le lundi 18 décembre 2023 au Palais de l’UNESCO à Paris. Des réunions informelles auront lieu les 17, 18 et 19 décembre.
Pour les frais de voyage ou d’hébergement, vous pouvez faire une demande auprès de la Commission Nationale pour l’UNESCO de votre pays ou bien auprès d’organismes publics ou privés.
Seuls les membres peuvent assister à l’Assemblée Générale. Membres ne pouvant pas assister peuvent donner pouvoir à un autre membre. Les langues de travail sont l’anglais et le français, sans traduction.
Pour des renseignements complémentaires veuillez visiter http://Paris.Section.CID-world.org ou contacter le Secrétariat du CID.
Dr. Alkis Raftis
International Dance Council CID Conseil International de la Danse
CID, UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, FR-75732 Paris, France
Tel. +33 1 4568 4953
WhatsApp: +33 6 1155 3111
www.CID-world.org facebook.com/International.Dance.Council.CID
Please print on paper, fill, sign and send as letter /
Veuillez impimer le présent pouvoir, le remplir et le poste
P R O X Y / P O U V O I R
The undersigned / Je, soussigné/e
(full name / nom et prénom )
CID member in 2023 / membre du CID en 2023
give proxy to: / donne pouvoir à
(full name of representative / nom complet du représentant )
also CID member in 2023 / aussi membre du CID en 2023
to represent me at the 26th General Assembly and vote on my behalf /
pour me représenter à la 26ème Assemblée générale et voter en mon nom
Place / Fait à …………………………………………………
Date ……………………………
Signature ………………………………………………………..
Each CID member having the possibility to receive a limited number of proxies, you can leave blank the name of your representative.
Please print the present proxy, sign it and send it by letter before 30November2023 to:
International Dance Council CID, UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, FR-75732 Paris 15, France
Do not send as email.
Un membre du CID ne pouvant recevoir qu’un nombre limité de pouvoirs, vous pouvez laisser en blanc le nom du mandataire.
Veuillez imprimer le présent pouvoir, le remplir et le poster avant le 30 novembre 2023 à :
Conseil International de la Danse CID, UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, FR-75732 Paris 15, France
Ne pas envoyer par courrier électronique.
Information on proxies
26th General Assembly of the International Dance Council CID, in 2023
A General Assembly is held every two years, elections every four years.All Members have the right to vote if they have renewed membership for the current year.Each Member has one vote. This means that, if you are a Member and your school or company is also a Member, you should send two proxies.
The standard proxy is in English and French, the two working languages of CID. A proxy in another language is valid if the fields are filled clearly in Latin characters. Proxy by email is not valid.
If you do not know another member attending the General Assembly you can leave the name of your representative blank. All other fields must be filled. Do not write anything else.All proxies will be handed to the Electoral Committee.
Print the proxy on paper, fill the fields, sign it and send in a letter either to:
– CID Executive Secretariat, Scholiou 8, Plaka, GR-10558 Athens, Greece
or to:
– International Dance Council CID, UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, FR-75732 Paris 15, France
Name of authorizing person (write your full name in capital letters, and eventually your CID registration number) :
Name of authorized person (you can leave this blank) :
Place where you are when signing : …………………………………………..
Date when signing : ……………………………………………………..
Your signature:
Members Attending
To CID Members attending the General Assembly 2023
Dear colleague,
I am happy to know that we will meet in Paris in a few days. Since the Assembly is a purely administrative event, we will have the opportunity to discuss at ease during informal meetings.
Please read the text at
Print it and keep it with you, it will be helpful.
I also invite you to read proposals below, they are necessary for the smooth continuation of the daily activities of our organization
Looking forward to your cooperation and wishing a very successful General Assembly.
Alkis Raftis
List of participants
Benselama Nasreddine
Islem Belkacemi
Khadidja Fellak
Yassine Mohamed Tali
Karim Chikh
Zouaouia Bendouma
Fatiha Morsli
Zin Elabidine Hamdi
Abdelkader Neggache
Abdelmajid Hamiani
Abbes Benkounda
Amina Hidayet Ben Hassaini
Kamel Tachabount
Mohamed Kazouz
Hethann Higgins
Md Shah Alam Riyadh
Mariano Alejandro Bolfarini
Liene Adamsone
Rui Xu
Xuelian Zhang
Xiaobing Huang
Xiaomei Zhang
Dan Pang
Xiangguo Zhang
Chao Wang
Petr Veleta
Bernards Alens Zako
Constantin Kontogiannis
Margarita Seguy
Melina Hassani
Alexis Raftis
Amélie Theunissen
Veronique Theunissen
Jeanne Dortet-Domenget
Georgia Kouvela
Florence Oualid
Francoise de Caulaincourt
Maryam Rasti
Lei Gao
Marie Christine Dal Farra
Emilienne Josephe Michalon
Virginie NFA Allogo
Assia Guemra
Nathalie Guilleme
Sahima Ben Mouhoub
Yu Yi
Fabienne Courmont
Leonidas Efthymiadis
Roberta Di Laura
Teresa Lucia Forstreuter
Yvonne Middelborg
Ulrich Roehm
Alkis Raftis
Adamantia Angeli
Sergey Khudenko
Eleni Kouki
Lambrini Raikou
Alexandra Arvanitidou
Chrysanthi Kolyva
Adolphe Steeve
Harjit Kaur Sidhu
Ramneet Singh
Desai Karan Bhupendrabhai
Sanjay Arunprasad Trivedi
Gayathri Jayaraj Warriar
Panchal Chintan Dharmandrakumar
Rajubhai Gordhanbhai Patel
Sarbani Ghosh
Behnaz S. Todiwala
Khyati C. Desal
Sarabjit Singh Jabbar
Kamaldeep Singh
Mehta Belaben Kamleshkumar
Solanki Hitendrasinh Bahadursinh
Shahrukh H Todiwala
Gurpreet Singh
Rounak Sharifzad
Hassan YousefKhani
Maryam Taheri
Simona Niero
Andry Nardin
Diana Ferrara
Giuseppe Francese
Niko Constantino
Miriam Genovese
Mara Regina Centeno Garcia
Patricia Elizabeth Torres Villanueva
Enkhtuya Amarjargal
Marianna Stefanovska
Victoria Elizabeth Gamarra Chavez
Harman Singh Sekho
Patrycja Wojcik
Djafer Abduveliev
Aboubacry Soumare
Mouhamed Ndoye
Khady Aye BAdji
Ana Maria Radanovic
Paula Bango Melcon
Angela S. Bango
Alicia Lopez Manchon
Antonio Alvira
Nerea Castellano
Idil Kadioglu
Tani Gill
Ana Claudia Matos Ramalho
United Arab Emirates
Anna Gorbasheva
Anindita Anu Nanda
Karla Chee-a-tow
Barakissa Coulibaly
Sherene Melania Bretschneider
Carrying on standard practice as established during previous years, notably:
1. CID has two Secretariats: the General Secretariat remaining permanently in Paris within UNESCO, while the Executive Secretariat (otherwise called President’s Office) follows the incumbent President and operates in his/her country. Both Secretariats are managed by the CID President within provisions of the statutes and decisions of the General Assembly.
2. The General Secretariat handles general matters such as: cooperation with UNESCO, with Permanent Delegations and National Commissions for UNESCO, governmental agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations.
3. The Executive Secretariat handles day-to-day management matters such as: prospective and current Members, CID Sections, CID websites, accounting, personnel (senior staff, employees, trainees, volunteers), financial or legal matters.
4. The CID President can delegate parts of the work of the Secretariats to a CID Section.
5. When CID Members are commissioned by the CID President to represent CID in his place their flight, hotel and other expenses can be covered. This includes the CID President’s expenses. These expenses are refunded by the CID Teasurer after submitting receipts countersigned by the President.
6. National Committees have been replaced by CID Sections. Each CID Section corresponds to a municipality.
7. International Certification of Dance Studies is issued when a school, its director and the student are members of the CID.
8. Youth Members are persons aged 7 to 17 nominated by their school director who is a member of the CID. They pay a yearly membership fee of 45 US dollars. They take part in the General Assembly without voting rights.
9. Membership fees for residents of the Eurozone should increase progressively in order to reach those outside the Eurozone. The rate of exchange euro/dollar should be taken into account.
Requirements for hosting a CID General Assembly
1. City having flight connections with most foreign capitals.
2. Venue in the center of the city with 200 seats
3. Equipment of the venue: sound, projectors, computers
4. Meeting room with 50 seats for 3 days
5. Office: for the Secretariat, for 3 days
6. Hosting: 12 CID officials and staff, accommodation and full board for 3 days
7. Secretariat for the promotion of the event in local media
8. Budget by the host to cover costs of the above. Source of the funds.
Please send your comments on each of the points above, giving details of what you propose.
We will consider all proposals and notify you in case your proposal is selected.